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The Dark Art of Trace Flags

Truth is, Trace Flags are NOT really a dark art. But one thing I’ve noticed about the web’s ‘coverage’ of Trace Flags is that there are very few demonstrations of how to set Trace Flags that explain the process entirely, or in ‘idiot-proof’ steps.

Trace Flags in Review

If you’re not familiar with SQL Server Trace Flags, the the simplest way to define them is to say that they’re optional arguments, switches, or parameters that you can apply to SQL Server to make behavioral changes to the way the engine, certain features, or operations, act and behave.

Official documentation for SQL Server Trace Flags can be found in Books Online.

Sharp StickWhat that documentation fails to cover however really comes down to two things:

1) The use of Trace Flags is only something you should undertake with great care.  You can easily destroy a production system by playing around with them. In other words, they’re a sharp stick – and sharp sticks are great for some things. They can also poke your eye out if you’re not careful.

2) It doesn’t really describe HOW you go about adding a Trace Flag during startup – though it mentions that as an option.

Trace Flag Scope

By default, most trace flags that you set using DBCC TRACEON() will stay operation, or within scope, until the server reboots or you run DBCC TRACEOFF().

Therefore, if you’d always like a Trace Flag to be on, you’ll need to set it up as a startup parameter – meaning that when the SQL Server Service starts up, it will then apply the flag in question as part of the current operating or working environment. (Of course, you can still turn off most Trace Flags that were initialized at startup by just using DBCC TRACEOFF() if you need to temporarily turn them off, or if you’d like to turn them off and don’t want to restart SQL Server. More on that in a second.)

Setting Trace Flags as a Startup Option

To be fair, Books Online does detail how to set trace flags. (And maybe that’s why I’ve not found this covered too much on other sites/blogs when I’ve looked for instructions to send clients on how to make these changes.)

Specifics for changing/setting startup options are found here.

And there’s even a link to more specific instructions on configuring startup options as well.

Ironically, I didn’t know of either of these two links until I started writing this post. Which makes me a bit lame.

So, I’ll redeem myself a bit by providing some screen shots, and a concrete example.

Suppose, for example, you’ve got a system where you want to suppress successful backup messages. In many environments this wouldn’t make sense. But if you’ve got a multi-tenant server where there are lots of databases (say 5-20) and you’re doing regular log file backups every 15 minutes or so in keeping with best practices, then you’ll be spamming huge numbers of success messages into your Windows Event Logs and SQL Server Logs. As such, rather than letting those messages turn into noise that might distract you from noticing problems/errors, TRACE FLAG 3226 starts to make sense.

If you just want to temporarily suppress those messages, you can fire off DBCC TRACEON(3226) and those messages are suppressed – until the server reboots. And then they’ll be back.

If you want to make that flag/option ‘stick’ across reboots, then you need to add it as a startup parameter.

1. Fire up SQL Server Configuration Manager by going to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server (2005/2008) > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager.


2. Select SQL Server Services, then right click on SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) and select the Properties menu option.


3. In the Properties window, click on the Advanced tab, and then find the Startup Parameters option. Click the little down-arrow next to it and you’ll have more area to work in.


4. This is where you add any startup parameters you want to add – including trace flags.

In this case, since I want to add Trace Flag 3226, here’s what the startup parameters would look like.



Note that to add the Trace Flag, I had to ‘terminate’ the previous options with the addition of a semi-colon. Then I was able to add the –T flag and the desired trace flag. 

As per Books Online, make sure you use the UPPER CAST “T” to set trace flags. Lower-case “t” will work – but implies that you’re setting flags allowed by SQL Server Support Engineers – which implies lots of ugly potential that you do NOT want.

Likewise, if you want/need to add multiple trace flags, then you just keep appending them like so:
;-T3226; –Txxxx; –Txxxx

Again though, just remember that Trace Flags can be a lot like juggling flaming, loaded, sawed-off, shotguns.

And, of course, in order to make your startup options ‘stick’, you’ll have to restart SQL Server. You can do this immediately by stopping/starting the service as per the screenshot below (and if you’re prompted to stop SQL Server Agent – go ahead and do that; just remember to RESTART it after you bring SQL Server back online):


Best Practices For Turning Trace Flags On/Off

Restarting your SQL Server just because you want/need to put a Trace Flag into play long term can often be a pain. (The same goes for cases where you’ve got a trace flag installed, and want to remove it.)

Therefore, what I’ve found that works really well when I’ve made sure that I want to set a trace-flag long term is to:

a) Go in and Modify the Startup Parameters with the needed trace-flag as specified above.

b) I don’t restart the SQL Server Service.

c) Instead, I use DBCC TRACEON(####, -1) – where #### is the id of the Trace Flag that I set in step 1 and –1 is the switch/option that pushes this trace flag global.

This process works well as it kicks the Trace Flag into play immediately, and the next time the server is normally rebooted (i.e. service packs, hardware swap-out/swap-up, whatever) the startup parameters will kick in and the trace flag will ‘persist’ in scope across restarts and go into active service.

The same approach works when I want/need to remove a trace flag as well. I just nuke it using DBCC TRACEOFF(####, -1), and then remove the corresponding startup parameters.

UPDATE: Thanks to Reader/Visitor “Developer Seer” who pointed out that I forgot to put the –1 switch into my example in step c above. This is the key/trick to getting your Trace Flags to become GLOBAL in scope – or to make them persistent.


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